
Serakai Studio is a dedicated space exploring contemporary currents in art, design and placemaking.

It is the cross-discipline cultural research and curatorial studio that is integral to Serakai, a forward thinking property investor and placemaking advocate.

Powering Serakai’s leadership at the experimental intersection of placemaking and interdisciplinary arts, Serakai Studio’s purposeful philosophy underpins and expertly informs Serakai’s investment thesis and practice.

Supporting thought leadership, innovative exhibitions, urban interventions and curated pop-ups Serakai Studio proactively acts as a catalyst for conversation that generates meaningful shifts in mindset and best practice towards placemaking, designing the built environment and social sustainability.

Tobias Berger, Curatorial Director of Serakai Studio, will lead innovative programming that ensures Serakai Salons, Projects and CONG evolve and stay relevant, fostering a strong connection to their communities.